Keto Breading Mix 325g | Zero Carb

I LOVE breaded foods, I'm thinking of fried chicken and daydream of a yummy crispy schnitzel meal. However, alternatives to the carb-loaded originals either don't stay on, go soggy after making and are ultra expensive to make.

So the mission it's possible challenge accepted, was to ketofy a breading mix - that simply works better, for less $.

The keys to how I defined success:

• It sticks to food - this mixture works with the traditional method of an egg wash and doesn't fall off when handling, cutting or eating. I have also tested it on it's own without the egg wash too. 

• It's crispy - because no-one likes soggy. In the mix are five real food ingredients that help make the breading crispy.  Also see the hints and tips below to keep it crispy after cooking. 

• Zero carb - because at the end of the day, I don't have many macros spare and I want to eat dessert too! The ingredients have been carefully curated to be ultra-low in carbs. 

• More affordable - because alternatives like grinding up pork rinds is expensive and don't get me started on the price of parmesan cheese!

• Taste - I have aimed for a base level of tastiness so it's not bland.
If hot, spicy, or other flavours are your thing, just add those into the mix directly to suit the nature of whatever you're breading.

• Breading with benefits - this mix contains 16 real food ingredients with a focus on good protein and sources of collagen, high in dietary fibre and even a nutritional powerhouse loaded with B vitamins for cortisol relief : )  

Ingredients:  Protein Crisps, Nutritional Yeast, Bamboo Fibre, Almond Flour, Whey Protein Isolate, Salt, Egg, Baking Powder, Gelatine, Paprika, Garlic, Onion, Basil, Oregano, Xanthan Gum, Pepper.  
Contains: Almond, Milk, Soy and Egg 

Macros per half cup breading mix 30g Energy 308kJ, Protein 12.6g, Fat 1.3g, Carbs 0.1g, Dietary Fibre 4.6g Sodium 226

Macros per 100g: Energy 1028kJ, Protein 42g, Fat 4.3g, Carbs 0.3g, Dietary Fibre 15.2g Sodium 754

TIPS when cooking breaded foods. 
Have one hand for the wet, one hand for the dry - then you don't get yourself all breaded.

The oil needs to be up to temperature before adding food in. To test the temperature of the oil, either use a digital thermometer or you can drop a bit of the breading in and if it doesn't 'fizzle' around the edges, the oil isn't hot enough yet.

Cook in batches to not overcrowd the pan as that keeps the heat more even and fries to perfection. 

You can test your perfect cooking timing after 5 minutes by slicing the first piece cooked in half - and check it's cooked all the way through. Some items need 7 mins, some may need more depending on thickness. 

To avoid what you've already cooked from going soggy, place a rack on top of paper towels to allow for continual air flow. Whenever you place cooked breaded items directly onto a paper towel, steam is trapped and that's what makes breaded food get wet and go soggy.


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