Cardiovascular Health Checks

The following are cardiovascular health checks available through iScreen

Cardiovascular Check (10 tests included) 
The most advanced strategy for coronary risk assessment is a ‘multi-marker’ approach which combines several risk factors, rather than only measuring the traditional markers of high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking and diabetes.

Healthy Heart Check (7 tests included) 
These tests discover three high risk aspects to healthy heart health: Cholesterol Lipids, Diabetes and C-reactive protein (CRP) inflammation markers. With these tests you can start to proactively manage your risks of having a heart attack or stroke.

Apolipoprotein (ApoB) Check (3 tests included) 
The apo B/apo A1 ratio indicates the cholesterol balance between potentially atherogenic (bad) and anti-atherogenic (good) particles.

Lipoprotein Particle Check (12 tests included) 
50% of people who develop cardiac disease have ‘normal’ cholesterol. A traditional LDL blood test doesn't measure small dense LDL particles, which can hide behind normal cholesterol and increase the risk of heart attack.

MTHFR Check (2 tests included) 
As much as half of the population may have an MTHFR gene test mutation which may cause anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and depression. Find out more with this simple cheek swab test.

Insulin Check (1 test included) 
Insulin resistance can lead to difficulty losing weight, distinct abdominal fat, fatigue, bloating and sugar cravings. Identifying insulin resistance early and committing to lifestyle changes can ultimately help the progression to diabetes.

Homocysteine Check (1 test included) 
The importance of homocysteine as a marker for health and wellbeing has recently become evident with elevated levels now recognised as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s.

Diabetes Check (1 test included)
Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in New Zealand but it is a preventable disease and easy to predict. This simple diabetes test highlights whether your lifestyle or physiology put you at risk.

Carbohydrate Check (3 tests included) 
Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in New Zealand but it is a preventable disease and easy to predict. This simple diabetes test highlights whether your lifestyle or physiology put you at risk.

Cholesterol Check (5 tests included) 
A cholesterol test measures the cholesterol that circulates in the blood in particles called lipoproteins. These lipoproteins include HDL ‘good’ particles that carry excess cholesterol away for disposal, and LDL ‘bad’ particles that deposit cholesterol in tissues and organs.

Adrenal Stress Check (5 tests included) 
Adrenal fatigue may be one of the most under diagnosed condition in western society. This adrenocortex stress test assesses your response to stress and provides valuable insights to help you balance your hormones. 

 When you are ready to take control of your health, i-screen provides key health analytics and blood testing services to help you understand what's really going on in your body. 

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Other test categories available: 
General HealthNutrition and Gut HealthMen's HealthWomen's HealthGenetic Checks  • Fertility Checks

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