Maltitol and the Mystery Carbs 
Find out why Maltitol makes it hard to calculate the actual carbs in a product. Read about how it affects your body and we have an extensive listing of many products that contain Maltitol so that you can counter the most dangerous thing about it. 

Does E466 Carboxymethylcellulose / cellulose / CMC, cause gut issues and cancer?
Recent mass studies into the E466 ingredient (used in sugar-free maple-flavoured syrups ) show shockingly poor results on gut health. And other studies link CMC to causing Breast, Prostate and Colon Cancers.

Is IMO a fibre or a carb?
Recent tests in the US have highlighted how fibre syrups and IMO are processed in the body.

What's so great about Inulin?
Inulin is a natural plant based prebiotic and water soluable dietary fibre which has a positive impact on gut health. 

Cholesterol and Keto - navigating test results
Understand cholesterol beyond single numbers and develop a new perspective depending on where you are in your health journey.