$14.95 NZD

Cocoa Powder 400g

World cocoa prices are going through the roof due to failed crops and weather events in key growing areas globally. We are finely balancing quality with availability and we are now selling our new batch.   

Carb levels 
With cocoa powder there is a surprising range of carb levels across brands, so we've already done the searching for you. Our cocoa powder is the lowest carb at 3.1g per 100gm and those are all naturally occurring. Because it's a specialty 100% pure baking ingredient, it's not available elsewhere for retail sale. This cocoa is so smooth, sieved and epic tasting because after all a superfood needs to be super easy to use!

Made in NZ
Made from roasted cocoa beans right here in NZ, then pressed and ground with the cocoa butter removed, to release the essence of dark rich unsweetened chocolate. Cocoa boasts more antioxidants than many other antioxidant-rich foods per serving size — including green tea, black tea, and red wine.

Rich in fibre, cocoa powder is a superfood Keto ingredient that helps with weight loss by delivering the chocolate taste and benefits without the nasty sugar. Packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, and fibre, cocoa may help lower high blood pressure, aid weight loss, and improve your mood, energy and gut health. Cocoa is specifically rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, and niacin. May improve outcomes with cancer, heart disease, lower blood pressure, decrease insulin resistance, lower fatigue and depression.

Features: Organic, non-GMO, non alkaline, unsweetened, fair trade. 
Measures: 1 cup of cocoa powder averages 112 grams in weight.

Macros: per 100gm Net Carbs 3.1gm Fat 10.2gm Protein 23.5gm Calories 198 
Allergens: cocoa is a fruit, not a nut, so with cocoa powder there's no linkage to any nut allergies.

Keto Friendly Recipes using this Keto Ingredient: Anything and everything chocolate has this ingredient in it! Dessert recipes, smoothies, Keto fat bombs. Hot or cold chocolate drinks, keto brownies, cookies and chocolate mousse, chia pudding recipes.


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